Repent. How many times have we “repented” of a behavior by saying we’re sorry and then went right back to doing it? Mankind has been rebelling the instructions of Yahuah since creation. Is that what it truly means? The ...
The rebellion of the people has been happening since the fall. Adam and Chuah (Eve) were kicked out of the garden of Adan (Eden) for disobeying the commandment of Yahuah. The children of Yashara’al who were taken out of Matsarayam (Egypt) ...
We’re reading in 1 Malakayam (Kings) with the children. This really stuck out to me to study out what is evil in the eyes of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (Yahuah, The Most High’s Name)? 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 had warned His people not to take wives of the nations because ...
No Halloween Free Printables. I saw this idea being shared and wanted to create something on brand for us. Maybe this will help some of you be encouraged on this dark holiday. We pray by posting these on the doorpost that it will encourage ...
This will be our final letters. Find the rest on Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. 🌈PAh (peh) 𐤐 🌈It is the symbol of a mouth🌈It is written as a P and says “pa”.🌈It means to open, freedom, speaks🌈It also is the number seventeen, 17 AND ...
We’ve already been through the first 5 and then the next 6 letters. Let’s continue on! 🌈LaMaD (lamed) 𐤋 🌈It is the symbol of a staff🌈It is written as a L and says “la”.🌈It means Shepherd, authority, divine authority, the ...